woensdag 11 november 2009

Life without Prozac.

It has taken me about 7 months but since a week I stopped taking this drug called Prozac. It did help me in the beginning, I was less depressed, didn't cut myself up anymore when I felt pressure and I didn't think things thru so much.
On the other hand it made me reeeeeeeeeeeal lame, sleepy, droopy, non-energetic, withdrawn, and non-sexual. It was the strangest fase in my life. I could feel the change the drugs made, I could feel myself transform into something I wasn't not. I lost my lust for life, my personality, my vivrantness. I lost interest in eating, hobbies, sex (hahaha) and developing myself. I had a hard time picking myself up whén I was down, if I ever was down again. Cuz I actually didn't feel all that much anymore. I was flatlining emotionally and wasn't able to turn it around.
But I dealt with it, cuz it was part of the program. Part of the healingplan, it was one of those things I had to do to get any better and move on with my life.

Just a week ago I stopped taking Prozac after my dosis was cut back and I'm loving it. I feel alive again!! No more sleepless nights, no more flatness in my feelings, no more disinterest in life. It's the return of the MACK! I have learned to no longer cross my lines and now I can do without the drugs to control my life again. It feels so good. So damn good, I can't begin to write it down. It gives me a sense of pride, feeling strong again. One can only hope that others might experience this sensation as well. Can take controle back and feel good again. Cuz feeling good really feels good!! And who knows, I might even wanna have sex again hahahaha...

3 opmerkingen:

  1. real talk, mx!.. zag de link op twitter.. big up... Omi

  2. By accident I got to this blog. Good to read you are doing well. Long time no new postings, still Busy with enjoying your new sexlife ???
