dinsdag 16 juni 2009

The Lover in You and Me

Love hurts, it shouldn't have to but we all know it does sometimes. You fall in love with the wrong person. Not that he or she is bad but just not right for you. You see friends date, fall in love, get into a relationship, get engaged and married, get to live together and have babies. But you don't mind, you feel happy for them cuz you love them. What really hurts is when you see someone you love get hurt. By an unanswered love, by getting cheated on, getting played or just treated badly. Sum of them can't see it for themselves, sum just don't want to see it. But I can say from the bottom of my heart it hurts me to see my boys or girls hurt. I'm sensitive like that (allthough others might disagree) and I can feel their pain. It makes me wanna go to the person that is causin the hurt and talk to them, yell at them or slap them around a bit. But I know that's no good. Neva the less, I don't like it if my peeps hurt. I don't mind my own pain and misery but my peeps, I can't stand that yo. All I can do is try to be there for them. A Shoulder to cry on, a person to sit and sigh with, a person they can cuddle up to and keep that wine or vodka coming when the need it. Listen to them, maybe advise them and most of all just love them. That's all I can do. Love them and make sure they know they are worth loving. Cuz they great people, beautiful, caring, loving and strong. Otherwise they wouldn't hang out with me right Last summer I witnessed someone I had mad feelings for get riped apart by a girl. It made me cry at night and the next day I would be there to listen to him or talk with him on msn. Now he's happy again and he neva know how I feel about him but it's all good. We all got a purpose in life and mine is to make sure my friends stay sane, healthy and happy as long as I'm around. For my boys who are confused and hurting... you know who you are but remember I you and got your backs! That's for the lover in you and me... Mxxie

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